The Painter/Maleren Villy Fyhn Fyhns nyeste website. English introducion. Paintings/Malerier af V.Fyhn. Fyhns Oase. My garden - my place. Fyhn & Co. Guest room./ Gæstegalleri. Exhibitions/Udstillinger m.m.
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    Villy Engholm Fyhn
    Fyhns Galleri
    Ellerupvej 49
    8883 Gjern

   Fyhns Galleri. : Fyhns website.

activites etc.
In my little gallery I allways have an exhibition, and I am a frequent exhibitor.contemporary my wife and I are making various activities of culturel caracter. In 2000 I`ve got the cultureprize in Gjern municipal.

Dagen er din - mal den med lyse og oplivende farver.

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